Frith Farm is a local community social enterprise. The produce is organic and sustainably distributed to restaurants and shops.
The opportunities offered at Frith Farm to volunteers are invaluable. People learn new transferable skills, socialise and have the opportunity commit to a weekly schedule in exchange for a seasonal vegetable box. The volunteers can learn how gardening can empower them to have a sense of purpose and responsibly, especially those who are unemployed or retired. There are also the mental health benefits of gardening, as suggested in The Well Gardened Mind 2020 (Sue Stuart-Smith) “gives you quiet, so you can hear your thoughts”.
The 2D vector art compliments their community objectives brilliantly. The central graphic shows a collection of hands reaching up, as though supporting the singular hand at the top. The hands are purposefully in a layout that suggests the growth of a plant or tree. They look similar to leaves and are branching off to the side and growing vertically. It creates a symbiotic relationship to the viewer between growth, moving forward together in a collective community effort. The typeface is in a stencil style, similar to that on market vegetable boxes, it gives a rustic and authentic homegrown aesthetic. The typeface also is highly legible and the colour black to matches the hands. The only colour is the letter ‘I’ in green, it is the colour of nature and suggest a shoot of a new plant. The full stop at the end visually represents a pea, a symbol to represent a pea seed that will grow on the farm.

Toms is a social entrepreneurship and business founded in 2006. It works on a business model of one-for-one, therefore when a customer purchases a pair of Toms shoes, a pair is donated to a child in a developing country.
The graphic is basic design, the central typeface is central, black and in capitals. It displays a distinct lack of impact in terms of conceptual design. Below is the logo redesign process;

The typeface of ‘TOMS’ is clear and basic, the typeface Century Gothic has been used to keep the design text legible. The new design demonstrates conceptual design with the ying/yang symbol incorporating footprints. The a bare footprint represents the businesses one for one model. The footprints mirror each other whilst showing the opposition between the them both. It suggests a person with a brand new pair of ‘TOMS’ shoes with a fresh clean imprint, compared to the opposite which is a bare footprint. The circle shape also shows that TOMS are a global brand. The original light blue colour from the TOMS original logo remains the same. In colour theory this shade of light blue “convey a sense of trust, loyalty, cleanliness, and understanding” (J.L. Morton)
Case Study: Social Entrepreneurship at Tom’s Shoes. n.d [Online] Available at: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/ivytech-introbusiness/chapter/case-study-social-entrepreneurship-at-toms-shoes/ (Accessed 03/10/2021)
J.L.Morton. 1995-2021. [Online] Available at: https://www.colormatters.com/the-meanings-of-colors/blue (Accessed 29 October 2021)
Our Impact. n.d [Online] Available at https://wworiw.toms.com/uk/impact-report-emea.html (Accessed 04/10/2021)
Our Story. n.d [Online] Available at : https://frithfarming.com/(Accessed 03 October 2021)
Sue Stuart Smith. 7 July 2020. The Well Gardened Mind. (Accessed on 10 October 2021)