Original Artwork (developed from the Master Plan) post four. Rooted in Hull Pizza project.

Original Artwork (developed from the Master Plan) post four. Packaging Design.

Pizza logo

Initial team work for the new Pizza logo, using a hammer and sickle brief from the client.

The first two designs directly address the brief from Sherard of The People’s Pizza. His hammer and sickle design is created using the colour pallete used in the Rooted In Hull logo, this was suggested in the initial email to create a bond between the two logos.

The ‘Overthrow the Dough’ is the name chosen to focus on for the new logo. It uses hands throwing dough as the main focus of the logo. The colours associated with the hammer and sickle communist block yellow, red and black, as requested by Sherard. The red pizza shape is used to signify a pizza slice, which gives symbolism to the focus of the logo.

Overthrow the Dough rough sketch and ideas.
‘Overthrow the Dough’ final design.

After visiting Rooted in Hull and receiving feedback the name and style has been completely changed.  The new name ‘The People’s Pizza’ will be incorporated into the final design, whilst keeping some elements of the ‘Overthrow the Dough’ design, such as the pizza shape and colours. The new logo will be simplistic, but vibrant in a neon style outline.

‘The People’s Pizza’ initial design and ideas.
The People’s Pizza final logo design.

A5 promotional flyer.

The first poster is a basic design using chalk pen illustrations, a simple colour pallete of black, green and white. The most noticeable section is the ‘Overthrow the Dough’ logo. This flyer was vastly improved after visiting Rooted in Hull.

Ideas and rough sketch for the first A5 flyer.
First flyer development, using bold colours for visual impact.

The second flyer features some suggestions from Sherard of ‘The Peoples Pizza.’ He mentioned he particularly liked the style of ‘The Anti Satue Club’ who use a mixture of photography and vibrant text in a cut and paste mismatch style. The photo of Sherard fits perfectly with his personality and demonstrates ideas of the original design he wanted with a hammer and sickle. This is a twist on that idea, with a pizza cutter and pizza paddle. The background image is one from the woodfired oven, which contrasts with the stylish black and white portrait of Sherard. The flyer is also informative, with the logo and location clearly visible in contrast against the black background.

The Anti Saute Club, an example of one of their advertisements. The Style that Sherard is interested in,
Second rough sketch for The People’s Pizza A5 flyer.
Final Design for the A5 flyer for The People’s Pizza.

Pizza Packaging Design.

The initial two first deigns are intended to be used on a standard cardboard pizza box. The first design uses a simplistic chalkboard style, with the pizza ingredients drawn in a white chalk pen. This gives the box a rustic aesthetic and demonstrates the use of basic, fresh ingredients. The only colour used is the red in the brand name, this is used to draw attention to the name of the company and also demonstrate one of the main ingredients of their pizzas; the base passata sauce.

The First two designs for ‘Overthrow the Dough’

The second variation of this design uses bold vibrant colours instead to show the freshness of the ingredients used. After visiting Rooted in Hull and receiving feedback from the client the design below has been refined further, with a name change from ‘Overthrow the Dough’ to ‘The People’s Pizza.

The third design shows the pizza box design a whole layout from different viewpoints. The packaging is designed to advertise, be recyclable and has the loyalty sticker, which also contains seeds.

The Loyalty card is consistent with the colours and simplistic design displayed in the Pizza Box. This is recyclable also. The card is minimalistic and stylish at the same time, which can compete with the loyalty cards of other big brands.

Rough sketch and ideas for The People’s Pizza box.
Final design for The People’s Pizza box.


Photos [Online] Available at: https://www.facebook.com/AntiSauteSauteClub/photos/504564876925274 (Accessed 30 November 2021)

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