Creating an Immersive VR Experience
The creation of virtual reality (VR) has provided the opportunity for users to experience a fully immersive, 360-degree canvas. VR headsets create a user experience that allows them to interact with 3D environments and narratives.
Week 1 – Workshop Exercise 1 – Maya
Maya can be used to create environments that can be experienced using a VR headset. The scene below is an example of how a room in Maya can be created to make a 360 immersive experience. The user can explore the environment and navigate around the objects. This scene uses a blue skylight to give a cold hue to the environment.

In the animated scene above, a 360-degree room can be explored and the user will experience the room and walls moving, however, the sky dome light intensity is too intense, so further experimentation with the Maya settings and editing in Premier Pro will be conducted to extend the length of the video and adjust the lighting settings.
The scene shows another example of lighting, where the intensity is too bright again and takes the focus away from the scene, in the final render the lighting will be adjusted to minimize this bright flare.
The second example is “Cereal World” which allows the user to move around floating and moving pieces of cereal. This is an example of how the use of lighting, color, texture, and objects can create a simple but effective immersive 360 and 3D scene.

The 360-degree video above “Cereal World” allows the user to explore the environment of being submerged in milk and surrounded by cereal. The video of this however is split down the middle which affects the 360-degree video, this is an issue to address further and resolve.
Maya Workshop 2 – MASH Networks
In this session, Maya MASH Dynamics capabilities and settings were explored.

Week 2 – Workshop Exercise 1 – Web VR
Web VR allows users to experience virtual environments and experiences without the use of a VR headset, therefore is more accessible to users via web browsers. Frame is a Web VR experience that allows users to visit and create scenes with other users, in the example below a meeting room is explored, with experimentation of adding different 3D models and navigating the scene.
3D Immersive Experience Examples
The Spacewalk above lets the user experience and explore a VR Spacewalk experience, this could be created in Maya using ploy models and animation to take the user through a linear journey with the capability to view the scene in a 360-degree view.
The “Dreams of Dali” above showcases how a 2D painting can be re-envisioned in a modern 3D environment and bring the portrait into a 3D scene.
(Online) Peacock – Dreams of Dali: 360º Video – The Dali Museum ( (Published 25 Feb 2017) (Accessed 20/11/23)